North American Utilities Use an Array of Methods to Understand, Connect With Business Customers
Business customers, regardless of size, have an immense set of responsibilities, including the responsibility to maintain day-to-day operations. Utilities clearly have a role to play in the daily functions of businesses, as reliable and affordable energy are key components to these customers’ success. In 2025, the industry is well-positioned to serve business customers. From robust billing data to personalized outreach and ever-expanding program offerings, utilities have more tools than ever to expand their customers’ experience.
Across North America, customers’ needs can vary greatly by territory as well as size. However, through a focused commitment to understanding the daily needs of its business customers, utilities can fine-tune services, communications, alerts, and other services. As businesses serving businesses, utilities can make the most of the relational bridges created through ongoing interactions and collaborate on a more reliable and innovative future to
This report gathers insights from Chartwell's 2024 Business Customer Care (BCC) Industry Survey, as well as insights gathered from a variety of utilities including TECO, Duke Energy, PSEG Long Island, Idaho Power, JEA, SnoPUD, and Colorado Springs Utilities.CONTINUE READING
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