
Executive Services

Solutions Customized to Your Needs

Why join?

Chartwell Executive Services provides personalized service supplemented by:

  • Connections to a network of executive peers implementing innovative solutions to the challenges you face now and in the future
  • Chartwell’s proprietary industry and customer research to enable in-depth benchmarking
  • Building cross-functional synergies and investing in the growth, education, and development of your team, at all levels, to enable you to deliver on your current and future priorities


How does it work and why is it valuable?

You set the agenda, not Chartwell, and we will intentionally adapt the action plan to your utility’s priorities.

Valuing and respecting the time constraints that executives face, Chartwell will gather robust, turn-key information needed for strategic presentations.

Our aim is to help you maximize efficiency, learn from the experiences of peer executives, and increase the speed and quality of your outcome, ensuring sustainable success.


Outcome-Based Solutions

Solutions matching: Quickly tap into Chartwell’s experienced executive-level peer network to guide your journey and execute your strategy. You will be linked executive-to-executive(s) sharing innovative solutions to the challenges of today and the future.


Strategic Decision-Making Support

You will get turnkey information needed for presentations and decision-making from Chartwell so you can save time, maximize efficiency, and ensure sustainable success.


In-Depth Benchmarking

Your custom action plan can include customized benchmarking, plus proprietary industry and VoC research and an industry-priority white paper series.

Increase the Speed and Quality of Your Outcome

  • Solutions matching: linking executive-to-executive(s) sharing innovative solutions to the challenges of today and the future
  • Annual State of the Customer onsite workshop
  • Advisory services
    • Initiative execution
    • Customer centricity
    • Enhancement of cross-functional collaboration
    • Organizational agility
  • Customized, in-depth benchmarking services
  • Access to Chartwell proprietary industry and voice of the customer research
  • Executive Issue Papers
  • Executive Advisory Board
  • An opportunity to be recognized with our new Excellence in Customer Transformational Leadership Award, presented annually at Chartwell’s EMACS Conference

Executive Issue Papers

ISSUE NO. 01 | Improving Resiliency: Challenges and Opportunities

This report is the first in a series of executive papers discussing the key learnings from Chartwell research.
Reliability and affordability remain paramount to overcome growing customer and stakeholder dissatisfaction with more frequent and longer power outages. At the same time, utilities’ ongoing evolution into digital, service-based enterprises requires executives to navigate uncharted waters.
Other Executive Issue Papers include: Customer Energy Affordability, Utility Operational Excellence, Creating a Customer-Centric Company, Emergency Management: Rising to the Challenge, and more.

Chartwell Services

Our membership services can help your utility identify strategies to impact customer experience and operational efficiency: A research subscription to our Insight Center membership allows unlimited access to hundreds of research reports, case studies, benchmarks, webinars, and more. Our peer-to-peer Leadership Councils, focused on customer-facing areas such as billing, outage, CX, vulnerable customers, EVs, and business customers, provide a collaborative, utility-only peer network. Our post-event transactional benchmarking study called Tranzact enables utilities to compare their customers’ outage experience perception with peer utilities. Chartwell Advisory Services and Executive Services provide leadership development with industry experts.

Learn more about our services