2022 Utility Marketing Must-Dos and How to Drive Measurable Results
So many topics, so many communication channels, so little time (and money!) to cover them all. From regulatory requirements to the changing digital landscape, it’s increasingly difficult for marketing teams to keep up. Join us to learn the key initiatives that will truly resonate with your customers and improve their perception of your brand (JD Power scores, anyone?). From transportation electrification to small business programs to innovative low-income audience targeting and more, we’ll show you how to reach your customers with proven messaging and tactics that will yield a meaningful return on your investment.
Speaker: Stephanie Crockett
President and Chief Operating Officer, Mower
Stephanie is the leader of Mower’s Energy + Sustainability specialty group. Drawing on her 20+ years in marketing and communications, Stephanie is an expert in utility marketing and has led product innovation, branding and clean energy adoption programs for a variety of global and regional energy companies including National Grid, FirstEnergy, Avangrid, ConEdison, LG Solar and GE. She is at the forefront of digital consumer engagement and sales and marketing integration through marketing automation and analytics. Stephanie has presented utility marketing strategy and insights during the last several EMACS Conferences, as well as for numerous energy and marcom organizations, including ENERGY STAR®, USGBC, NASEO and LeadsCon.