Orange and Rockland Uses Strategic and Inclusive Approach to Drive EV Adoption

Orange & Rockland’s E-Mobility team has launched a Power Ready Program to achieve tactical goals, including serving as a trusted energy advisor, accelerating electric vehicle (EV) charger infrastructure installations, and ensuring clean energy benefits for disadvantaged communities. The utility has also emphasized EV-focused municipal and multifamily housing engagement. Attend this session to learn how through its Charger Siting Tool for site selection and strategic partnerships, Orange5 & Rockland is striving to remove EV adoption barriers to EV adoption and strengthen EV equity access to clean energy benefits. This effort earned Chartwell’s Gold Best Practices Award in the category of Electric Vehicle Programs this year.

  • Andrew Farrell, Director of E-Mobility, Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.
Before joining Con Edison in 2012, Farrell worked at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory where he performed deep sea climate modeling research. Then, he became a contractor for Columbia’s Astro Physics program on a grant from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center modeling the lunar surface. While at Con Edison Farrell worked in business finance, forecasting, and gas operations. He moved in 2019 to Orange & Rockland (O&R), holding positions on the clean energy policy and electrification teams. Farrell is currently the Director of E-Mobility at O&R where he takes the lead in supporting electric vehicle policy and program implementation to ensure that O&R is meeting New York’s and New Jersey’s ambitious clean transportation goals.


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