Entergy Mobile App Delivers Self-Service Features and Customer Satisfaction

In November 2020, Entergy launched its new mobile app to accomplish three goals: (1) increase the use of the new application; (2) improve customer satisfaction; and (3) increase the use of self-service channels. By partnering with third-party vendors the utility implemented an Agile process to incorporate continuous feedback and design the app to meet a dynamic set of customer needs. The new mobile app offers bill payment, outage reporting and access to energy usage directly from the home screen. Additional features include: one-touch outage reporting; real-time outage maps; bill payment with a single swipe; a customizable dashboard; daily energy usage information; the ability to set and track energy usage goals; and personalized notifications. Within two weeks of its launch, the new Entergy mobile app was downloaded or updated more than 1 million times.


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best practices digital experience mobile apps